Friday, January 16, 2009

Of Ambulances and ER's

The EMT's ran from our house to the neighbors, as they couldn't get the ambulance past our house right away. They came in the door doing assessments as they came. I was told by one crew member that the house was a total loss. They were not going to be able to save anything.
After assessing our condition, the crew moved us over the ice and into the ambulance. We rode with oxygen masks to Kanakanak hospital.
My oldest daughter and I suffer from pretty severe asthma, Alyssa's oxygen levels climbed steadily in the ER, but then she began to wheeze. The doctor started a nebulizer and she was fine in a few minutes. The ER of the hospital was buzzing as nurses and emt's and docs checked out five very shocky patients. They opened all the curtains between cubicles, so we could all see each other. Dillon's o2 levels dropped to about 80% in the ER and caused a bit of a stir, but in a few minutes of concentrated oxygen and close and loving care, his levels rose to 100%.My boys were being well cared for by the emt's Johnny Green and Susan Dunson ( Thanks!) Amazingly, they never cried for me! Susanna was with me and Alyssa was in the next cubicle. I began singing, "Amazing Grace" and looked over at Alyssa who was singing with me. Our pastor Max Merrill was there and he noticed Alyssa quietly crying. He went to her and prayed for her then gently wiped hr tears telling her that it was okay and good to cry. She replied, "Oh Max! No! I am not crying because I am sad, these are tears of joy. God rescued us and saved us and we are all okay!"
She expressed the thoughts in my mind perfectly.
John and Bonnie Green graciously offered their home to us and we arrived bedraggled and in shock at 5:30 am. Coffee was made and breakfast cooked as we all rejoiced together over the goodness of our Father who loves us so very much and is so faithful to walk us through anything!

The sharing of more miracles is yet to come, please come back soon and let us share our hearts with you and the incredible stories of God's provision.


  1. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! I'm so glad to be the first to comment on your blog! :) And soooo glad that we can REJOICE even at a time like this, as we know (full well!) how God works in and through us during trials, refining our faith (as with FIRE!) and drawing us ever closer to His loving heart. You are experiencing the love of Jesus as neighbors, friends, I'm sure even strangers...our FAMILY...minister to you. We love you and will continually be praying for God to meet the ever increasing needs.

    "The purpose of these troubles is to test your faith as fire tests how genuine gold is. Your faith is more precious than gold, and by passing the test, it gives praise, glory, and honor to God." 1 Peter 1:7

    Love you!

  2. Hey Roy Fam,
    So sorry to hear of this, but so glad that you are all SAFE. The Lord has been good to you!
    Love from France,
    -The Moree Fam
