Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thanksgiving # 7 and 8

Yesterday I was thankful for hugs from children warm with sleep and cold from playing outside.

Today I am thankful for my coffee maker!

How about you?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful November Day 6

Today I am thankful for sunshine and blue skies!
How about you?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Challenge

Today is November 2nd and I want to be intentional about being thankful, not skipping ahead to Christmas without coming up for air. So, I will be posting something I am thankful for everyday from now until Thanksgiving day. Join me by leaving a reply with what you are thankful for!
Today I am thankful for a place to live when our house sale closes in a few weeks.

Thanks to Kristin over at http://wearethatfamily.com for the idea!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hiding Ephesians in my heart

I started on my birthday, this journey of hiding Ephesians in my heart. I am five verses in and loving it!
I am using a tip I read about memorization and am using it. I am committed to read through the book of Ephesians out loud for 100 days in a row. So until January 20th, I will read aloud to my son as he falls asleep, the sound of God's Word sinking deeply into his heart and mine.
I recited the first five verses to Ron last night and surprised myself with passion in my voice as I recalled Paul's words to the saints in Ephesus who are faithful. God chose us before the foundation of the world to be adopted as sons! His purpose is that I stand holy and blameless before him. My Father has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
Onward to verses 6-10 of chapter 1. Looking forward to having these words engraved on my heart that I might live by them, that they might work change in me.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Warrior Prayers

Today is Day 5-Pride. I am praying for a group of about 20 mamas who are praying for their sons/grandsons/sons in law/nephews.
I am also praying for my sons and my son-in-love Brad. What an amazing journey these five days have been. We have prayed for our boys in the areas of obedience, submission to authority, integrity, avoiding foolishness and pride.
As we seek to parent our boys as God parents us, with grace and mercy leading them gently to repentance and trusting God for their growth into mighty warriors for Him we are being changed. A sometimes painful, always joyful process (at least in looking back!).
I am blessed to be a part of this challenge and covet your prayes as I lead these dedicated moms.

Friday, August 26, 2011

My crazy week

So, my husband left on Sunday afternoon with a group of men to hunt bear. Late that evening, my back began to hurt. Monday I called my chiropractor and had an appt with him. I returned on Tuesday for massage therapy for my still hurting back. After my massage the doc took another look and said pain didn't appear to be muscular, but internal. 'Watch your temp. and if it goes above 100, go out and be seen at the hospital.' Sounded reasonable to me. An hour after my massage, the pain in my back suddenly soared to a 10 on the pain scale. I went to the ER. (Thanks Megan, for taking the kids for dinner!) After normal bloodwork, and a pain shot, and a chest x-ray I was sent home, still in pain with strong pain meds and an order to call and make an appt for Thursday to return to see the doc.
Wed. morning, after lots of pain meds and little sleep, my doctor called to let me know that the chest x-ray wasn't clear after all. "There is a mass that the radiologist saw, and I still want to see you tomorrow, no the lung/chest issue is not causing your pain. I want to do some more tests."
Thursday afternoon, more blood work showed elevated liver enzymes. All other blood values were normal. "Fasting ultrasound and maybe CT scan."
Friday morning, fasting ultrasound of my abdomen. "Everything looks okay, except your liver is enlarged." Huh? Is that what is causing my back pain? "nope. But you do need to change your eating habits, for fatty liver disease."
After little help from the md on how to change my eating, I hopped on the internet and began to research. No Carbonated beverages?!?!?! Oh, man!And other changes I have needed to make anyway. Wheat is out. Other grains will be minimal. Sugar and whites? Gone!
I am to return to the doctor next week if the back pain continues. If it goes away, I am to return for a repeat blood test and chest x-ray in four weeks. Hmmm, wonder what God is trying to show us? What is His purpose in all this craziness?
In spite of my man being gone all week while I bounced through this thing all alone, my Abba was close to me and he reminded me of that on a daily basis through the concerned calls of friends and family, people praying for me, cooking for my family and offers of help. Thanks you all, you know who you are! I am taking the next step, and doing the next thing. There is not a real clear over all picture yet, so I am just keeping on!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

21 days of prayer

Are you a mom, grandmom or caretaker of boys? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all their needs?
"You’re not alone!
There are so many books out there today on the topic of parenting boys that I can’t count them. Nor do I have time to read them all. But even if I did, reading these books and putting the solid tools in them to work still doesn’t come with guarantees.
Knowing this, it becomes quite clear that there is only one thing we can do…
Plead with God.
“The fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17.
It’s our hope."
Brooke McGlothlin the author of "Warrior Prayers Praying the Word for our sons in the areas they need it most" has issued a 21 day challenge to pray for our sons together. If this idea intrigues you, grabs your heart and challenges you, read on to see how you can participate!

“I’m IN! How do I get started?”
Purchase your own copy of Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most (just $4.99 on Amazon Kindle!)
Commit to praying for your son(s) or grandsons 10 times a day for 21 days straight. This is a huge commitment, so if you feel God leading you to participate, pray and ask Him to give you the strength and endurance you need.
Sign-up HERE!

And join me in spreading the word about this life affirming challenge. I will be leading a group for Alaska moms (and I have left my group open to all moms also). If you would like to be in my group, sign up, choose other under type of group and type in my name. That's it! I pray you will take up this challenge.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

21 Days of Prayer for Sons

Exciting news! On September 6 I will be leading a 21 day journey of prayer for sons. Warrior Prayers is signing up participants for the Fall challenge now on their website, http://www.warriorprayers.com/ , if you are a mom of boys, a grandma of boys, a caretaker of boys, grab this chance to pray for the guys in your life in the areas they need it most.

I believe this 21 days that we will spend praying for our boys will be amazing, and will have lasting results. God will move in us and mold us more into the image of His Son as we spend time praying Scripture over the boys in our lives.

Come join me on this fabulous journey and invite others to come along too! Go on over to warrior prayers an sign up today. When you sign up, if you'd like to be in my group, go down to what type of group you would prefer on the sign up form and check other, then type my first and last name in Shelly Roy.

Hope to see you for the 21 day challenge!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good news!

For those of you who have been patiently waiting for me to move out of the Land of Denial, I have good news. I packed this morning and moved my abode to the Land of Living Vicariously. At this moment, the land is rather cramped and filled with a rumbling noise. Alyssa is somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean winging her way to Switzerland where she will begin a five country European vacation. I am SO glad I was able to arrange to go with her! I am sure I will enjoy the tour much more than the toe surgery that is in my near future in real life.
Check back soon for pictures from the European traveller!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cool, cool summer

Our summer so far has been rather on the cool side. Today was 63 degrees and we were feeling pretty warm! Our annual July first swim at Aleknagik Lake was postponed because it was 49 degrees and raining on July 1st. So, for us, July first came 10 days later and the kids all braved the frigid water while I sat in the sun . I took the kids to the harbor this afternoon and they were longing to go in the water. Amazing how warm low 60's can be. It is 9 pm and Thomas and Dillon are playing outside in the sunshine. With such wet weather I can't find it in me to make them come in yet. Maybe after I finish this post.

Ron's youngest brother Brian spent the first week of July with us. Backing the Toyota up to the the boat trailer, I was struck by how well the brothers communicated with calm and unhurried hand signals. You would have thought they had been together frequently, and not been separated for 10 years.(Quite a difference from when I direct Ron as he is backing up to the boat! ) They took the boys camping on the lakes when Brian determined he would rather fight with smaller fish, than king salmon. He caught the largest fish of the trip at 24". He went home a happy fisherman. Ron and Brian, Thomas and Dillon also got the stair railing on our stairs. Hooray! No more boys leaping from the stairs to the chin up bar, no more thumps as they land on the floor from 5 stairs up and no worry about slipping on the steps. My man has just finished the long handrail 16 feet on the wall. I can't wait to try it out.

Thanks for stopping in to catch up on our doings! Hope to see you again soon!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A New Season

I sent my second born child out the door with her father to head to the airport. From home she will first travel to Salem to visit Kendra and Brad, then on to California to stay.
I have packed my bags and moved into the land of denial, it is 78 degrees and sunny here, perfect for a stay. It is lovely here in the land where everything is as I think it should be. All of my children happy and cozy at home, learning, laughing and loving God and each other.
In the real world it is 52 degrees and misty; the learning, laughing and loving God and each other is intact and we are moving into a new and different season of our life as a family. While I mourn the passing of being a mother of five wonderful, busy children at home, I am also ready to celebrate being a mother of three wonderful, busy children at home.
BTW, yes I know that Kendra left home three and a half years ago, but her leave taking was different, I still had many children and little children at home. With Alyssa's departure comes a whole new look to our family make up. We are boy dominated for the first time ever. Wow! Who knew boys could be so much fun? And so loud? And SO energetic? I am typing to the background music of "Clone wars" on the TV, and one boy who is using a quad folded wrestling mat to practice his round house kicks and leaps off the couch. I believe that girl time is going to take on a whole new meaning as the lone sister left at home will need mom/daughter talks, practices her hair cutting technique on me and mani-pedis may become a Saturday afternoon fixture in my life. You know, reality doesn't look so bad after all.