Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The house!!!

Here is a picture of the outside of the house! We will get more pictures up in the days to come...

Mom goes to Oregon

I didn't rush to OR when Kendra called...it was a very exciting moment for me to realize that though I am still her mom, the care of my daughter has now been passed to Brad! There was no burden for me to rush to her side when she was injured, that gave me the freedom to rest in the Lord and experience His peace in new ways. Several days after her injury Kendra asked me to come down. I went and spent a week arranging for people to bring meals, setting up visitors for the woman who couldn't move much and taking care of Brad as he took care of Kendra! It was a wonderful time of fellowship and talking and praying together as well as healing for those involved in Kendra's accident.
While I was gone, my long time dream came true...my family moved into the house! Yippee!! I came home to a mostly settled family and mostly unpacked boxes. Hooray!

Furniture moving

We are SO blessed with so many wonderful friends!
8-10 people showed up at 10 am to help move fruniture into our new home on November 6th.
I stayed busy feeding peolpe, making coffee and directing furniture to rooms.
Everything ran smoothly until the last piece of furniture was ready to be moved. Our rolltop desk is beautiful...and heavy. I was asked, "Hey Shelly, how do you like your desk?" I replied that I loved it..."How do you like it right here?" I told the men that while the desk looked lovely in the container van, it was getting cold outside and I knew that it would look better INside the house on the wall it was designed for!
As the men discussed the how of moving the massive piece, I decided it was better for me to go off on an errand rather than stick around and see how it was done. :)
When I returned, the desk was in its place and the helpers were hungry!
Thanks Maryann for the wonderful homemade cookies that went great with lunch.
Christopher and Alyssa put together the dining table and chairs...good job guys!
We all worked over the next few days to finish putting together beds etc

Many, many thanks to those who gave up their Saturday morning to help! We appreciate you!

day of many posts!

I finally have a minute to sit and update this blog! Thanks for being patient! :)
On November 6 we received a phone call from Kendra at 9:30 pm. She told us she had been in an accident on the ropes course, had broken some bones in her back, had a CT scan at the ER and would be in pain for several months, would be flat on her back for a week, and she would eventually, the Drs. hoped, be okay. Wow! And a bride of three weeks to boot!
This caused some stress to us...no kidding! We carried on with our plans to move furniture the next day, praying all the while.