Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!

January 20 marked Ron's 46 th birthday. I wore myself out making sure that I could bake his "traditional " grandmother's carrot cake. By 5 pm I was laying down with idea why...stress maybe? Anyway, Suzanna offered to bake the cake and soon the house was filled with the aroma of carrot cake.
We were all too tired to eat it, but we lit candles and sang and ate cake on January 21 for breakfast!
Ron is thankful that we are all here to celebrate his birthday...we are thankful for God's protection and for his provision in the days past.
Stay tuned for pictures of the house later today!


  1. hey guys :) Just wanted to post a comment and remind you all that I'm thinking of you. I hope Ron had a good birthday; the most special gift of all is his wonderful and caring family, and for that I know he is thankful. I know that this hasn't been a walk in the park for any of you, and I want you to know that I'm here whenever you need me. There's no school tomorrow or the next day (Thursday and Friday) so I can help you all with whatever you need help with. You're in my heart, and in my prayers. I thank God every day that you're all safe and okay. Hug Alyssa for me.


  2. Happy Birthday Ron! I wish I was there to have a piece of cake with you guys and I am continuing to pray for ya'll. Love from AZ. It is raining today give praise to the Lord! Love Jamie

  3. Hi Shelly, Ron and kids. I talked to your Dad (Shelly) last night, he says you guys are hanging in there. I just wanted to let you know that you all have been in my heart and prayers. I always knew that our God is an awesome God and your story is just one more way He shows His love and protection! How blessed we are to have Him. I wish I were closer so I could help, please keep up your blog, it is great to be able to know how things are going day to day.
    I love you,
    Aunt Carol

  4. Hi Roys, As I sit here and catch up on your blog and what has been going on since the fire, I'm in awe of our precious God. How good He is! Thank you for the reminder of how "stuff" is just "stuff". Nothing eternal about it! I thank the Lord with you for all of the people who've been helping you and giving of their time, resources and love. Wish I could be there as well. Know that you all are in our hearts and prayers. Thank you for being such praisers of God. He indeed is worthy! :-)
    love to all,
    Linda (Shelly's cousin)
