Monday, January 26, 2009

Mondays sometimes bring treasures

Monday...I am home from Tanalian Bible camp, a nicely rested, refreshed and blessed wife and mom.
I arrived home yesterday to a living room stacked in boxes and overflowing with things that our friends and acquaintances have generously given us. Ron said it seemed like every time he got a box or two unloaded, someone knocked at the door with more blessings!
We are getting settled in the mobile home and Suzanna, Thomas and Dillon slept in their new rooms in their new bunk beds last night! They slept all night! Yippee!!
We are facing new challenges each day, and God is proving over and over the promise that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. What our enemy meant for evil God is quickly and incredibly turning around for good and for glory to His name! I am humbled that our Father chose me to shine His glory through to a world that is SO very dark and hurting.
Today I received a package from Ron's sister Peggy...I had asked for a few cookbooks, so I eagerly opened the box. She had sent cookbooks and also a recipe file that she had copied some Roy family recipes into for me. In the bottom of the box lay a Bible with a cover that I vaguely recalled. "How sweet, Peggy sent me her Bible because she knew I didn't have mine anymore!" I flipped open the cover and began to sob as I realized the magnitude of the gift I held in my hands. The Bible didn't belong to my dear sil, it belonged to Ron's mom who went to her forever home nearly 11 years ago! What a priceless gift, with all of mom Roy's notes in it...I am very excited to take time and start reading!

1 comment:

  1. it really is amazing that there's not a single thing in the world that God can't use for good. I'm very proud of all of you for keeping up your faith in His plan for your lives. Keep up your faith, and know that you are very loved by very many.

