Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pneumonia and wedding dresses

Today is turning out to be a difficult day!
Dillon has pneumonia...likely a by-product of the smoke inhalation he suffered during the fire. He does not have a fever and has about 2/3 of his normal energy, he is also very touchy and cranky making it hard for anyone to get along with him. I feel like I have been scolding children all afternoon...Suzanna feels that way too as she said, "don't take your bad mood out on me!" when I sent her outside to play after asking for the fourth time that she lower her voice and calm down.
Kendra called with the news that she had found her wedding dress! How exciting! I am waiting to see pictures that seem to be taking forever to come through on e-mail! I didn't expect to feel sad about not shopping with her, but I do! I am wishing that I was in Oregon to shop with my girl. I am thankful for Brad's mom who, after weddings for four daughters, is a fabulous wedding dress shopper!
I am also thankful for friends who are having us over for dinner tonight! Yippee! I don't have to think about cooking! :)

1 comment:

  1. oh mom, I wish you were here too! I ended up crying the night I bought my dress because I was wishing you were here to help! Mom P.Helped me though, and we had a wonderful time.
