Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another day!

Good morning!
Ron spent a good part of yesterday making refinemenfts to our "new house" plans. It was funny to be so aware of our two styles meshing...there's me, who can start at one jump to three, five ,eight and go back to two wothout blinking an eye and then there's Ron who is most comfortable following the numbers from one to infinity in order (I just don't get it-even after more than 20 yrs of marriage! And I am sure that if you ask him, he'd say the same thing!) Anyway...Ron was very grace giving to me as I said, "I can't answer that right now, could we go on to the next question?" time and again this was my refrain! :) Thanks to my wonderful, organized husbands ways, we now have most of a house plan!
Some of you know that we built a home early in our marriage. That experience was different from this in so many ways! I am not afraid to give input and state my all hard floors and the largest windows practical for this climate! We will not be doing the construction-hooray!!! Someone else will be worrying about all the details like plumbing and plumbers who are unavailable when you need them, windows that don't show up and when they do are not what you ordered, crooked studs, cracked sheetrock and all the 100 million other things that come up in the construction of a house. BTW, those are all examples from our home in CA :)

Thank you for checking in with us! Wishing you a blessed Sunday as you worship, and a fun family/friend time as you watch the Super Bowl!

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