Thursday, October 8, 2009

Indian Summer!

We arrived in Portland, OR early Sunday morning. The kids all did so well on the flights and with long hours in the airport in ANC. I was glad I had booked a direct flight!
Our planned trip to visit friends in WA has not happened yet. All of their children were down with a cold virus and the mommies decided it was wiser not to expose the wedding party! We hope to be able to visit sometime over the week-end.
The weather has been absolutely amazing. A bit of fog in the mornings, and beautiful balmy blue skies the rest of the day. We have all enjoyed spending lots of time outside enjoying the sunshine and playing. Brad took the kids crawdad fishing! They all loved it and managed to catch one each!
Today is ropes day. The littles are very excited and all have special things they'd like to do. Dillon is looking forward to the climbing wall. Anybody surprised?!?!? :)
Kendra's friends here on the base had a bridal shower for her last night. It was fun to meet her friends and to see the special, loving, godly women my daughter is surrounded with. God has so blessed her!


  1. What a wonderful flight...and such fun things to do. I'm glad Kendra has the blessing of being surronded by loving Christian friends. That should also provide good mentoring for the newlyweds. May the rest of your time there be even more blessed. Loleta

  2. I'm just now reading a bunch of these posts....
    I, too, was able to attend a bridal shower for Sarah up in Bakersfield, given by the women of the church that she and Sam were and still are attending. I, too, was so comforted to see what a good church family she was getting into. I knew and have since seen that she's got a bunch of godly women right there to mentor her along the way of wifedom and motherhood!
