Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Extra prayer cover please

Today is a difficult day...we've been leading up to it for awhile. All three of our younger children are having a very hard time sleeping with multiple wakings for each of them each night. I (Shelly) am worn out with being up with them, trading beds, and calming fears. One of our children is having anger issues and it is hard to decide how to deal with those things.
Oh, I also have a migraine! Lack of sleep and stress undoubtedly, knowing that doesn't make the pain stop though.
So, as you think of us today please offer some extra prayer cover. Pray that God would calm hearts and fears, that we would all get restful sleep, that there would be peace in our house and that the enemy would be rendered helpless and cast out.

1 comment:

  1. I have alre4ady begun to pray. We got personal relief from fears by reading scripture over every room of our house. Satan flees from the spoken word of God.

    Love ya,
